27 May 2005

Own Branding (Part II)

Advantages of Own Brands for Retailer's:

* Image Building / Brand Loyalty

Good value enhances store image
Build relationship of trust and credibility
Control over relationship with customer
Good value builds loyalty to the store and own brand

* Competitive Edge / Extra Turnover

Advantage over competitors with no brand
Offer benefits distinct from competitors
More control of product specification and quality
Allows more retailer-led product innovation

* Higher Profits / Better Margins

Margins tend to be 5-20 percent better
Manufacturers' promotional expenses are avoided
Display space can be manipulated for better returns
Sales can be promoted by placing own brands next to major brands

If anyone would like further examples of the advantages for retailer's having own brands, please let me know either via comments or email, and i would do my best to post them as soon as possible.


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Anonymous said...

Hi Ahsan Kaleem, As you are probably aware, there are so many junk filled blogs. As I was searching for own product related information today, it was a nice break from the 'usual' to come across your blog. I am happy I searched for own product related ideas today. Thanks.